Sunday, March 22, 2009

Big Love

The New York Times Magazine has a piece on "Big Love" today.  If you haven't seen the show, give it a whirl.  TV is the best place to see women tearing up the screen and Bill Hendrick's three wives don't disappoint.  Nor does Bill's mother, his sister-in-law, his recently deceased sister-in-law, his compound mother-in-law, Barb's sister and mother, the almost fourth wife.  It's rich in acting, character and story.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The show I'm working on filmed in China in December.   As I'm an animal lover and request animals in all my shows, the producer in China took lots of photos of the amazing Pandas.

Adorable Babes

Blanche & Stella missing Stanley.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Man On Wire

 I was walking the dogs and saw this little man.  It turns out to be an electrical device of some kind but to me he's a little man perched on a roof missing his wires.

Bird Music

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bird Grave

The Kids That Don't Grow at the Boo Radley house buried a bird in the front yard last November. The grave isn't in their front yard exactly, but on the outer rim of the property where it meets the asphalt of the road.  You can see it if you walk or drive by.  Months of rain and traffic and visitors and dogs have changed and altered the grave site. 

I saw the Kids That Don't Grow in a different part of the neighborhood last week.  They were standing at the edge of the road looking down a ravine.   Another bird had flown away and was in the brush.

There's no fresh grave in the yard. 

Fly little bird, fly.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Sound of Music - LOUD

Started drum lessons.  It's unbelievably fun.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Morning Walk

It feels like the presidential campaign again.  Waiting for the other shoe to drop in the economy. But how can I not feel lucky that I have work that I love.  I even spend money I shouldn't because I must send that money down the line.  The one constant in this messy world is a morning walk with my dogs.   And just as the Obama signs at every other house cheered me up during the campaign, there is always an image or a hawk that takes me out of the sadness of the world that President Obama, and all of us, have inherited from the greedy Captains of Industry.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My husband taught me how to put on lipstick.

That should have been a sign.

poised pot

Monday, March 2, 2009

Doggie Belt

Regard the artisan hand-made doggie belt. Twice a day I walk my dogs and my keys, kleenex, plastic bags and iPod are secure in my red belt.
I love it.